The Live-in Care Company
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Our live in carer, Sarah, spots the signs of stroke early and then ensures a quick return home

Daphne and George, have been receiving live-in care from the Live In Care Company since May. Their carer, Sarah, arrived during the first nationwide COVID-19 lockdown, in this time Sarah got to know Daphne and George well, and they have built a strong bond.


In October 2020 Daphne went for her usual mid-afternoon nap, but when Sarah came to wake her she noticed that Daphne was very confused. Daphne was speaking, but the words were coming out all jumbled up and she appeared weaker on one side of her body.


Sarah made sure Daphne was safe and called 999, explaining to the operator what had happened. As she used to be a nurse, Sarah suspected that Daphne may have had a stroke. Sarah explained to George that she had called 999 and also their son James to let him know what was happening. Sarah, Daphne and George waited for the paramedics to arrive. It was comforting to see that although Daphne was confused, she wasn’t frightened, Sarah was calm and reassuring.


Sarah described the situation to the paramedics and while Daphne was being monitored she quickly put a hospital bag together with some home comforts. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, nobody could accompany Daphne in the ambulance. As Daphne went with the paramedics, George became increasing upset and frightened at the thought of his wife being taken away and not being able to support her. Sarah did a wonderful job of comforting George. That night she put the phone by her bed to ensure she received any updates from the hospital.


The next day, Daphne was transferred to a much larger hospital in the city and was admitted to the Acute Stroke Unit. Sarah stayed at home with George, reassuring him, speaking with the doctors and ensuring that the family understood what was happening and that Daphne was being well cared for. It became clear that Daphne had had a small stroke which triggered weakness and aphasia (an impairment of language, affecting the production or comprehension of speech). Daphne was supported on the ward for a week, and George missed her greatly, but was reassured by the presence of Sarah in the home.


At the end of October, since COVID-19 was spreading quickly the doctors decided that although Daphne still had some way to go in her recovery, she could come home as Sarah was on hand to provide additional support. It was safer for Daphne to continue her recovery at home in the countryside rather than in a busy city hospital. The fact that she had appropriate live-care meant Daphne could be cared for at home with visiting occupational therapy. Sarah could keep a close eye on Daphne, making sure she took her medication, keeping up to date with medical appointments, and helping with the exercises that Daphne had been given.  Daphne was benefitting enormously from the hearty, nutritious meals that Sarah cooked and is rebuilding her strength.


At aged 81, Daphne and George just want to be together. The idea of not seeing Daphne for weeks on end was extremely upsetting for George and he was delighted that she could return home so soon. The day Daphne was discharged from hospital George waited all afternoon by the window watching out for the ambulance to bring her home. A few weeks on and Daphne is doing really well with the help of Sarah, and George is happy to have her back home.




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